Does the Housing Authority select the tenant for the landlord?
The landlord selects the tenant and the tenant selects the landlord. The function of the Housing Authority is to support both parties in their initiated actions and to pay housing assisted payments, (HAPs) to the landlord.
Is every participant in the program on welfare?
Housing Authorities strongly encourage employment. Since the 'Welfare to Work' program was instituted, a great many of our tenants work outside of the home.
Is it possible to evict tenants under the Housing Choice Voucher Program?
Tenants leases can be terminated in the first year through 'mutual agreement' or if the tenant does something he/she shouldn't have done or if he/she doesn't do something they should have done as outlined in the contract/lease. After the first year, either party is free to give notice. If the tenant does not leave within the allotted amount of time, an unlawful detainer can be filed to begin the eviction process. When copy of the paperwork is submitted to the Housing Authority verifying the fact that legal action has been taken, the Housing Authority will pay their portion of the rent until the lock-out date designated by the Sheriff's Department.
Is there recourse against tenant families who damage rental properties or allow unauthorized tenants to live in their unit?
The contract/lease clearly states grounds for termination of tenancy. These two issues are addressed in HUD regulations. The Housing Authority now has the authority to terminate housing assistance when the landlord takes action against tenants who violate the contract/lease in this manner.
When a landlord participates in the program offered by the Housing Authority, is there a permanent commitment of some or all of a landlord's units?
A landlord does not have to rent all of his units through the Housing Authority in order to service any one tenant on the program. When the tenant no longer occupies the unit, it does not have to be rented to another participant unless the landlord selects to do so.